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Time Profiler

By default, ESBench only measure execution time of the benchmark cases, This is done by a module TimeProfiler, it can be configured by timing property of the suite:

export default defineSuite({
	// ...
	timing: { /* options */ },

The default value is true, which equals to {}, setting timing: false disables TimeProfiler.

Type of the options:

export interface TimingOptions {
	 * Measure throughput (ops/<unit>) instead of time (time/op). The value can be a duration unit.
	 * @example
	 * defineSuite({ timing: { throughput: "s" } });
	 * | No. |   Name |   throughput |
	 * | --: | -----: | -----------: |
	 * |   0 | object | 14.39M ops/s |
	 * |   1 |    map | 17.32M ops/s |
	throughput?: string;

	 * How many target iterations should be performed.
	 * @default 10
	samples?: number;

	 * How many warmup iterations should be performed. The value can be 0, which disables warmup.
	 * @default 5
	warmup?: number;

	 * how many times the benchmark method will be invoked per one iteration of a generated loop.
	 * @default 16
	unrollFactor?: number;

	 * Invocation count or time in a single iteration.
	 * If the value is a number it used as invocation count, must be a multiple of `unrollFactor`.
	 * It is a duration string, it used by Pilot stage to estimate the number of invocations per iteration.
	 * @default "1s"
	iterations?: number | string;

	 * Specifies if the overhead should be evaluated (Idle runs) and it's average value
	 * subtracted from every result. Very important for nano-benchmarks.
	 * @default true
	evaluateOverhead?: boolean;

The iterations can be a string in format number+unit, available units are ns, us, ms, s, m, h, d.

To speed up the measurement, you can turn down the values of warmup, samples, iterations, and set evaluateOverhead to false, but be aware that this may reduce the accuracy of the results.

Released under the MIT License.